Knot Magic Knot magic is another relatively simple method, which can be used alone or in combination with other methods. Generally, in knot magic you have to do the following: choose the color and length of your cord. Determine what cord you will use, a disposable one or a reusable one. Select the energy of...

Signs and Symbols of Wicca Christians enjoy cross as a sacred symbol and Jews enjoyed Star of David. Wicca followers have their sacred signs and symbols that are connected with the spirit. The most common (and misconceived) symbol, of course, is the pentagram, or the five angled star. A pentagram is concluded in a circle...

Craftsmanship (another known term for Wicca) has several features : 1. In Wicca there is a hierarchy (I am talking about classic Wicca, namely Old Faith). In coven (Wicca Organization) there are usually primary priest or priestess. They head the Sabbaths (Wheel of the year holiday). 2. In Wiccan texts there is a direct reference...

Wicca Spells 2020